Fred Hall
2008-03-18 03:20:44 UTC
On Mon, 17 Mar 2008 17:25:32 -0600, "John \"C\""
You're Obsessed with Fred "shitman" Hall, not me.
Just curious, but why do you refer to Freddie as shitman?
Because the nasty things he says "Stink Like Shit". Plus K-man
I will sneck 'arjw' when I can, but "Shitman" Hall will keep adding
adding arj-w to the groups line. Why are you lying to dumb Dawgie?
Not that he'll be fooled by the likes of you. Teh Dawg has been
around for quite a few years.
<snecked arj-w>
Good thing. I think they were pretty sick of your lying false
christian shit
On Mon, 17 Mar 2008 00:17:30 -0600, "John \"C\""
On Sat, 15 Mar 2008 00:07:08 -0500
On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 17:32:08 -0600, "John \"C\""
Love is a many splendored thing...and I emphasiseFreddie
No surprise you remain obsessed, false christian scumObsession with "things" noted and smirked at.
Bobsession with Freddy noted and GUFFAWED at.met this poor excuse for a human being in Dallas once last year
"together".me that he smelled a "fart" the whole time that they were
From what I've read the nastiness seems to be coming from you.hasn't been your only target, as nearly every one of your posts in
arj-ware filled with hate for every poster you respond. But hey,
it's only Usenet, right?
There are no rules!I will sneck 'arjw' when I can, but "Shitman" Hall will keep adding
back in to cause trouble.
Lying sack of false christian shit. 'tis you, DisHonest John who keepadding arj-w to the groups line. Why are you lying to dumb Dawgie?
Not that he'll be fooled by the likes of you. Teh Dawg has been
around for quite a few years.
christian shit
Go ahead and put it back in Shitman! I command it!
So?Your puppy